Vidwan-ID : 374160

  • Dr Vyshali P

  • Assistant Professor
  • Mount Carmel College, Bangalore
Publications 2007 - 2013


  • 5
    Journal Articles
  • 2

Google Scholar


Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Plant Biotechnology, Phytochemistry

Personal Information

Dr Vyshali P

Department of Biochemistry Department of Biochemistry, Mount Carmel College, Bangalore
Bangalore Urban, Karnataka, India - 560052


  • Assistant Professor

    Department of Biochemistry

    Mount Carmel College, Bangalore


  • Ph.D

    Bangalore University

  • MSc

    Bangalore University

  • BSc

    Bangalore University

Research Projects

Extraction of Fibres from Desmostacya bipinnata.

Funding Agency : Mount Carmel College, management

‘Studies on formulation and properties of pineapple core and pomegranate peel biowaste incorporated edible cutlery coated with jackfruit seed-based edible film

Funding Agency : Mount Carmel College, management

Extraction of Fibres from Desmostacya bipinnata.

Funding Agency : Mount Carmel College, management

‘Studies on formulation and properties of pineapple core and pomegranate peel biowaste incorporated edible cutlery coated with jackfruit seed-based edible film

Funding Agency : Mount Carmel College, management

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