Vidwan-ID : 375528

  • Ms Shruthi Renugopal

  • Assistant Professor
  • Mount Carmel College, Bangalore
Publications 2021 - 2021


  • 2
    Journal Articles
  • 1

Google Scholar


Business, Finance

Commerce Subjects: Human Resource, Accountancy and Cost Accounting

Personal Information

Ms Shruthi Renugopal

c-33, 1st main road Department of Commerce, Mount Carmel College, Bangalore
Bangalore Urban, Karnataka, India - 560052


  • Assistant Professor

    Department of Commerce

    Mount Carmel College, Bangalore


  • NET

    Mount Carmel College,58, Palace Rd, Bangalore-52 (Autonomous)

Research Projects

An Empirical Study on the Impact of Right Sizing on Organizational Environment for Accelerating Competitive Advantage – with special reference to Corporate Employees

Funding Agency : no funds taken

An Empirical Study on the Impact of Right Sizing on Organizational Environment for Accelerating Competitive Advantage – with special reference to Corporate Employees

Funding Agency : no funds taken

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